• Official: verifiable in MySejahtera
• Full protection for your workforce
keep your workplace safe and
compliant with SOPs
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Easy Sign Up!
Vaccination Services For Corporate Clients
Sign up for our Vaccin8 Programme for extra safety and convenience. Your employees will be vaccinated on site at your premises by qualified medical professionals, minimising disruption to your operations. Once full vaccination is complete, participants will be issued with an official digital vaccination certificate.
RM350 per person (2 doses)

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
Simply fill in your details in the Registration Form here
The Vaccin8 Programme is open to all companies and businesses registered in Malaysia. It is NOT available for individual participation.
Simply download and complete this booking template with the details of your participants. There is no maximum/minimum number required for sign up. However, payment in FULL is required for all those confirmed eligible [Please see below].
Our team will work closely with your Human Resources to ensure the least disruption to your business. However, the appointment date and time will ultimately depend on the availability of our medical team and thus will be subject to our final decision.
Our medical team will arrange to carry out the vaccinations at your premises, or, if that’s not feasible, at a clinic or medical centre convenient to your premises.
The vaccine used will be the NPRA-approved CoronaVac Vaccine (SinoVac) manufactured by SinoVac Life Sciences. Two doses will be administered at an interval of 21 days.
YES, we will accept foreign workers in the Programme with valid documentation.
To protect the safety and well-being of your participants, individuals with the following conditions are NOT eligible to receive the vaccine:
- Hypersensitive or known to be allergic to any component (active ingredients or excipients or any material used in process) of the vaccine or similar vaccine;
- Previous severe allergic reactions to the vaccine (e.g., acute anaphylaxis, angioedema, dyspnea);
- Undergoing cancer treatments (chemotherapy, radiotherapy, immunotherapy);
- Have undergone organ transplants such as kidney or blood stem cells within 3 months before vaccination;
- With low platelet count
- Who have a fever due to a viral/bacterial infection;
- Receiving treatment with monoclonal antibodies or blood plasma as treatment for COVID-19 within 3 months prior to vaccination;
- With HIV disease
- Anyone who has tested positive for COVID-19 within the last 3 months
- Click here to view the full Terms & Conditions
Register Now
Simply fill in the details below to sign up!